April 06, 2008

New Print for the Shop

I have been MIA this past few days.  Things have been fairly busy.  I won't get into the details, but have been away from the computer a bit.  I hope that you have been having a good spring (for those of us in the Northern hemisphere)!

The weather was extremely nice (for Canada) today.  We were up to 12 or 13C.  This means, light jacket and melting snow.  We ended up walking to our local grocer, and swung by the park for little Mackenzie to play around on the swings and slides.  It was nice seeing neighbors outdoors, getting their garden ready or doing general cleanup.  There were many "hi's" and "nice day ehs?" to go around!

I also spent the morning doing stuff for the shop.  I played a lot with Illustrator and came up with a new print!  Yeah, I like how it turned out.  I am doing some final adjustments, but it should be up in the shop sometime early this week!  I posted it here:


mushroommeadows said...

I love her dress!!! She's too cute! :)

Blazin' Ray said...

Minnesota just got 2 feet of snow!